Amazon bcg matrix 2017
Amazon bcg matrix 2017

Question mark – They have low market share and a high growth rate. Although ‘star’ products bring in a lot of profit for the brand, it also requires good investment. Stars – The products in the upper left hand quadrant has the highest market share and growth. It analyses market growth and share based on which there are four quadrants: It also helps them consider growth opportunities by reviewing its portfolio of products to decide where to invest, to discontinue or develop products. This Matrix helps businesses design a long term strategic plan. But before that let us understand what BCG Matrix means.

amazon bcg matrix 2017

In today’s blog we’re going to be discussing the BCG Matrix of Amazon with special reference to P-M grid. It has an ecommerce site, a video streaming platform (Amazon Prime), a platform for eBooks (Kindle), a virtual assistant AI technology (Alexa), Amazon Music etc. Amazon is an American multinational technology company.

amazon bcg matrix 2017 amazon bcg matrix 2017

Even if you’re an astronaut who has been in space for the longest time, you would know about Amazon or at least heard about it.

Amazon bcg matrix 2017